Become a Member

Throughout most of history, in most places in the world, every citizen was a volunteer firefighter. It was, and in many places still is, the civic responsibility of each person to protect his or her property, and to aid his or her neighbors in protecting theirs. In the United States today, only a few citizens have the courage, discipline, compassion and honor to be able to claim the title of "Volunteer Firefighter."
Do you have what it takes?
Corydon Township Volunteer Fire Department is always seeking new members. If you are interested in firefighting or emergency services, or wish to help at fund raising events.
Have you ever considered volunteering as a firefighter, EMT or in scene support capacity?
We offer an excellent opportunity for the right person...Membership has many rewards but we want you to know up front that membership requires a commitment. It requires a significant amount of training, and hard work. Fire and rescue calls occur at inconvenient times and may sometimes place you in extreme conditions that may include hazardous duty.
If you are willing to make the commitment to us, we are willing to make the commitment to you!!!
In return for your services you will receive the equipment and training you need. You will find that the personal satisfaction you feel from the work that we do unmatched by any other profession. If you think you could benefit from the training and if you would get personal satisfaction by serving your community, this would be a great opportunity for you. The process for becoming a member is filing an application, and meeting with the membership. You will be given an orientation, and issued appropriate protective gear, a pager. You will observe and perform duties limited to the extent that you have been trained.
If you are interested in learning more you can email us, visit us at the fire station, call or speak to any member.
If you have got the "stuff" we could certainly use your help!!! Contact us @ our email